ESE European Lecture application

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The ESE European Lecture aims to strengthen the collaboration between ESE and the National Partner Societies, and to bring information about ESE to National Partner Society members.
The European Lecture gives an opportunity for National Partner Societies to request the presence of a key ESE speaker at their national meeting.

Key Points:

  • ESE European Lectures are held at National Partner Societies annual meetings
  • A speaker will attend the national meeting, present a lecture and provide information about ESE in the form of a short introduction about ESE, and by providing one insert if appropriate
  • Preference for speaker to attend virtually, yet in some cases physical attendance of the speaker will be approved
  • The speaker is chosen in collaboration with the national societies, the ESE President and if necessary the ESE Executive Committee
  • If required and according to budget restrictions, ESE will consider funding speaker travel costs related to the European Lecture
  • The National society applying for a lecture will be expected to fund costs for speaker accommodation, subsistence and related expenses.


  • Only National Partner Societies promoting their affiliation to ESE on their website will be eligible to apply for an ESE European Lecture
  • Successful applications include agreement for ESE to send up to three inserts for delegate bags if appropriate (or to display at the meeting)
  • The applying Society agrees to read the ESE Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Policy found on the ESE website here, and where possible will implement a similar policy for their meeting

Speaker criteria:

  • Speaker is a current member of ESE and has been a member for at least one year.
  • Speaker is either currently working or recently involved in an ESE Committee, Focus Area, or a working/steering group, or recommended by a member of those. This criterion can be waived at the discretion of ESE President and/or ESE Officers.
  • Speaker is an internationally acknowledged expert in a defined endocrine field.

    Application Process:
  1. Please complete the ESE European Lecture form found below, according to the associated requirements
  2. The request will be reviewed by the ESE President, and if necessary with the ESE Executive Committee
  3. A decision for the provision of an European Lecture will be based upon financial availability and recent support to the applicant society, ensuring fairness for all National Partner Societies

Please note, the provision of an ESE European Lecture does not allow the ESE logo to be used on the national society event/meeting. Usage of the ESE logo in relation to events is evaluated through the ESE endorsement process. To apply for ESE endorsement for your meeting/event please find further information here.

There are two application deadlines each year, 28 February and 12 September, after which applications will be reviewed.